Illustration pour bannière

Valérie Charolles, Elise Lamy-Rested (Dir.). Philosophies of Technologies: Theory as Practice. Wiley; ISTE, 2024, Interdisciplinarity, science and humanities series / Innovation and Responsability Set, Bernard Reber ; Robert Gianni, ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1786308703 ; ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1786308702.

Date de publication
20 mai 2024
par Valérie Charolles

In the space of a century, technologies have acquired unprecedented power. The result of these developments is a new form of the world. These transformations test our capacities and generate new crises with multiple issues at stake. Drawing on the lessons of a long history, Philosophies of Technologies examines the continuities and disruptions brought about by the power of contemporary technical systems, without reducing them to the digital age. It draws together 13 authors from different schools of thought and proposes tools that combine productive technology with sustainability, innovation and responsibility. This book wagers that, in the face of the sprawling and ever-changing deployment of technologies, philosophy is able to respond to the changes that offer so many opportunities to shape our future. Today, technologies need a philosophical moment.