Illustration pour bannière

Pierre-Antoine Chardel. Quand la communication perd la parole. Lecture d’Emmanuel Lévinas. Eco-ethica, 2016, 5, pp.154 – 165. ⟨10.5840/ecoethica2016512⟩.

Date de publication
22 novembre 2019

If Emmanuel Lévinas does not develop a criticism of audiovisual technologies, sometimes even granting them hermeneutical virtues, he remains mindful of the risks incurred by societies that are increasingly determined by these technologies. In this article we want to underline the fact that, for Lévinas, considerable distraction can be generated by information technology, which risks neutralizing the experience of living speech. Compared to these risks, a certain ethical urgency must serve as a reminder that, if the responsibility is not just a figure of speech, it demands we question the way in which we understand images in our societies that may be fully configured by the flow of information, and the way we understand how the other is revealed to us through screens.