Illustration pour bannière

Pierre-Antoine Chardel. Les paradoxes de l’éthique dans la société technologique. Réflexions sur l’évolution de nos espaces politiques et des imaginaires sociaux. Eco-ethica, 2019, Public Space and Democratic Participation, 8, pp.127-139. ⟨10.5840/ecoethica201982⟩.

Date de publication
28 janvier 2021

The technological society, with all its potentialities in terms of well-being or improvement of daily life, is a source of many paradoxes that constitute real challenges for ethical reflection. Indeed, we have never been so free to express ourselves through information and communication technologies, while simultaneously encountering increasingly acute forms of alienation. More broadly, our current world suffers from an impoverishment of social imaginaries (if we consider the generalization of the consumerist model, identity retreats, separation logics), even though their strength is essential to the fate of ethics, let alone in technological societies that are becoming more and more structurally complex.