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Jean-Luc Moriceau. The object-university : the proper and the permanent. 34th EGOS Colloquium 2018 : European Group for Organizational Studies, Jul 2018, Tallinn, Estonia.

Date de publication
25 octobre 2019
par Jean-Luc Moriceau

Harman’s object oriented ontology provides alternative and critical insights. Its concepts of object agency, zero person stance, symbiosis, a perspective on permanence over becoming and processes might well have a lot to offer. However its application to organizations studies has still to be attempted, and its relevance proven. Based on the case on the occupation of more than 200 universities in Brazil in 2016, we will contend that it raises difficulties if it is to be used as organization studies methodology because of problems of access to a receding object, but at the same time it raises very valuable questions to more common approaches of organization studies. Welcoming object oriented ontology to organization studies cannot come without a reflection on its epistemological, ethical and political challenges and consequences.