Illustration pour bannière

Jean-Luc Moriceau. Death lines. Revue internationale de psychosociologie et de gestion des comportements organisationnels, 2017, XXIII (55), pp.193 – 204. ⟨10.3917/rips1.055.0193⟩.

Date de publication
10 avril 2017
par Jean-Luc Moriceau

Approaching research as a lived experience, one quickly understands that deadlines grant research with a specific and peculiar temporality and meaning. Thanks to an autoethnographic narrative and a performative writing, the author realizes that the closer he gets to the end and the higher become his vitality, ideas, engagement, relatedness, and reflexivity. Approaching the end quickens deconstruction and reconstructions of his text, the multiplicity of ends and mournings, of traces and ghosts. A figure of research thus appears, diverging from those in epistemology, as well as a tragic parallel with existence.