Illustration pour bannière

Hugo Letiche, Stephen A. Linstead, Jean-Luc Moriceau. The magic of organization. Introduction. Hugo Letiche; Stephen A. Linstead; Jean-Luc Moriceau. The magic of organization, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.1-24, 2020, 978-1-83910-672-9. ⟨10.4337/9781839106736.00005⟩.

Date de publication
2 novembre 2020
par Hugo Letiche

The question of magic should be taken seriously and rethought today and in particular in connection with financial management and organization. Magic has long been seen as irrationalism or primitivism, and then in a postmodern moment it was framed as renewed creativity and innovation. We believe that a third phase must be opened. Today, magic should be investigated as illuminating the investigation of other possibilities of being.