Illustration pour bannière

Hugo Letiche, Stephen A. Linstead, Jean-Luc Moriceau. The magic of organization. Afterword. Hugo Letiche; Stephen A. Linstead; Jean-Luc Moriceau. The magic of organization, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.275-293, 2020, 978-1-83910-672-9. ⟨10.4337/9781839106736.00020⟩.

Date de publication
1 novembre 2020
par Hugo Letiche

Magic is to be understood as human–world relatedness, wherein human consciousness, its will and desires, have an effect on natural phenomena, collective fate and physical circumstances.For a long time, Modernism thought that the relationship between human consciousness or agency, and thenatural world or environment, was a closed book, wherein rationality was themaster and the environment was its object.But the mind–world relationshiphas become destabilized in the twenty-first century; ‘magic’ or human–world relatedness is back as a crucial theme. We believe that there is no ossible conclusion to magic – it never stops.