Illustration pour bannière

Hugo Letiche, Jean-Luc Moriceau. The politics of Levinas’ phenomenology. 4th Dauphine Phenomenology Workshop (DPW). “Experiencing Commons and Communalism”, Dauphine Recherches en Management (DRM), Université Paris Dauphine – PSL, Sep 2020, Paris, France.

Date de publication
12 février 2021
par Hugo Letiche

Levinas defined a concept of phenomenological politics in “Quelques réflexions sur la philosophie de l’hitlérisme.” His focus was on the fundamental philosophical assumptions to politics and not on propaganda or the behaviour of politicians. Firstly, we examine Levinas’ assertions about identity, body, self and time. Then, we will examine and compare several reactions to the Covid-19 crisis as material for analysis by way of Levinas’ insights into the philosophical suppositions to politics. Thereafter, it will be possible to see in what sense Levinas’ phenomenological politics entails an embrace and/or critique of current politics.