In Search of Corporate Sustainability: Targets, Strategies and Measures
Prochain séminaire de recherche
organisé conjointement par :
– l’équipe ETHOS1
de l’Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, membre du LITEM2
Université Paris-Saclay
– et le LIRSA3
du Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers.
Mardi 31/05/2022, 14h à 16 h
En présentiel au CNAM – Salle 16 – Accès 30, niveau -1
2 rue Conté 75003 Paris
Nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter : Thomas CLARKE, UTS Business School, University of
Technology Sydney and visiting Professor at Toulouse Business School (Barcelona).
« In Search of Corporate Sustainability: Targets, Strategies and Measures»
It is now abundantly clear that corporate governance and sustainability are inextricably
linked. The goal of sustainable enterprise that exists integrally with the natural environment is
both possible and necessary: business strategies can be redirected to serve the natural
environment rather than to destroy it. This realization is dawning almost everywhere – in
governments and in boardrooms. Translating policy into action, principles into practice, good
intentions into firm reality has proved more difficult.
Thomas Clarke is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Professor
of Corporate Governance at the UTS Business School of the University
of Technology Sydney. Presently he is Visiting Professor at Toulouse
Business School (Barcelona). Previously he was a Foundation Professor
at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and is the
inaugural Sir Adrian Cadbury Scholar of the International Corporate
Governance Network (ICGN). His work focuses on the institutional
diversity of corporate governance. He is the editor of The Handbook of
the Corporation, Oxford University Press 2019. He is interested in
questions about the purposes of the corporation, and the convergence of
the concerns of corporate governance and corporate sustainability.
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