Illustration pour bannière

Emma Álvarez Prendes, Laure Sarda, Shirley Carter-Thomas. ‘Parallèlement’ in space, time and discourse: a diachronic and contrastive approach in French / English / Spanish. ESMET : Espace, Métaphore et Traduction, Laure Sarda (CNRS, Lattice, ENS-PSL et Sorbonne Nouvelle); Eric Corre (Sorbonne Nouvelle, PRISMES – Langues, Textes, Arts et Cultures du Monde Anglophone); Aurore Montébran (Lattice, ENS-PSL et Sorbonne Nouvelle); Emma Àlvarez-Prendes (Université d’Oviedo, Lattice), May 2024, Paris, France.

Date de publication
9 décembre 2024
par Emma Álvarez Prendes

This study focuses on the French adverb ‘parallèlement’ and its various translations into English and Spanish. Related forms exist in both target languages (‘in parallel’ in English or ‘paralelamente’ in Spanish), but the translations highlight a wide variety of forms, often more specific than the French adverb, and thus reveal all the nuances of meaning that ‘parallèlement’ can take on in context.