Illustration pour bannière

Bhumika Gupta, Jayanthi Ranjan, Saurabh Kadam. Retail branch banking : customer satisfaction and service quality analysis of small and medium enterprises in India. EURAM 2018 : European Academy of Management Conférence, Jun 2018, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Date de publication
29 octobre 2019

Retail branch banking is one of the key business segments for banking industry. With recent changes like demonetization and digitization banking industry in India has undergone major changes. Rising consumer demands and stiff competition has resulted in product and service quality offerings of banks. There are various factors which determine the customer satisfaction level and service quality in retail branch banking. Small and medium enterprises in India are growing at a substantial rate. They are the potential key customers for the banking industry. The present study consists of the factors which small and medium enterprises consider while choosing the bank. It also analyses the major pain points small and medium enterprises face while dealing with the banks.