Illustration pour bannière

Aline Belloni, Alain Berger, Olivier Boissier, Grégory Bonnet, Gauvain Bourgne, et al.. Dealing with ethical conflicts in autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. 1st International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Ethics at the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Jan 2015, Austin, United States. ⟨emse-01099705⟩

Date de publication
13 février 2018
par Aline Belloni

Autonomy and agency are a central property in robotic systems, human-machine interfaces, e-business, ambient intelligence and assisted living applications. As the complexity of the situations the autonomous agents may encounter in such contexts is increasing, the decisions those agents make must integrate new issues, e.g. decisions involving contextual ethical considerations. Consequently contributions have proposed recommendations, advice or hard-wired ethical principles for systems of autonomous agents. However, sociotechnical systems are more and more open and decentralized, and involve autonomous artificial agents interacting with other agents, human operators or users. For such systems, novel and original methods are needed to address contextual ethical decision-making, as decisions are likely to interfere with one another. This paper aims at presenting the ETHICAA project (Ethics and Autonomous Agents) whose objective is to define what should be an autonomous entity that could manage ethical conflicts. As a first proposal, we present various practical case studies of ethical conflicts and highlight what their main system and decision features are.